

Animated chemical, gases and chemical to metal reactions. User can come and select different elements from a given list and then can mix them after giving some specific amount and heat. Then he can see the blast or any reaction etc. He will be provided with the step by step mixing that which part of chemical is mixing with which. And the newly created expression after mixing two chemicals will also be given in step by step and will be explained. Also the detail will be written in text form. Detail, formula, expression, structure, nature of all elements will be given. Cautions and recommendations for each reaction will be given.


3D human body with interactive parts and the parts of parts, clicking any part will give detail of that part. Zooming in will show the parts of parts. Clicking will tell about the diseases which can occur in this part and medicine to that disease with side effect, where to get, home alternatives, medicine combinations and elements will be given. And will telling about disease, it will show the harms, symptoms, causes, SOPs, history and affected parts, first origin will also be given.


Solution to Basic Math, Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics, Finite Math, Linear Algebra, Discrete math, graphs, physics/chemistry numerical. User can draw lines with distance and app will convert into visuals, the user will give detail of that numerical and the app will solve and show in visuals. More than one solution to one question compared to each other in step by step. Also the detail of used formula will be given or the user can choose the formula by which he wants to solve.


3D animated dry run to the coding algorithms. User will give the algorithm and the app will tell the working of that algorithm. User can give any language and can also translate the given code to other, the translated code will use AI Assistant, so that it will also work and the app will also tell how is it working. Syntaxes and details of all languages will be available, the user can see the output of any code. The working of languages which are used for styling like CSS, JS etc. will also be supported and the code of the will be explained in step by step way. Line by line learning, explanation, translating will be available. Errors and their solutions with detail will also be given.